Hi, In **jwt-spring-security-demo**,there is a dependency **org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-embed-core:8.5.23** that calls the risk method.
org.hibernate.InvalidMappingException: Could not parse mapping document from resource com/hazelcast/hibernate/entity/DummyProperty.hbm.xml
at org.dom4j.io.SAXReader.read(SAXReader.java:484)
Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException: unrecognized feature http://apache.org/xml/features/disallow-doctype-decl
at org.gjt.xpp.sax2.Driver.setFeature(Driver.java:178) ~[p…
DepShield reports that this application's usage of [dom4j:dom4j:1.6.1](https://ossindex.sonatype.org/component/pkg:maven/dom4j/dom4j@1.6.1) results in the following vulnerability(…
How can i accept duplicate namespaces? I want that the namespaces from my dc:records (parent-tag) are kept in my dc:record (child-tag) too. Now the duplicates are removed, if i print out the document.…
I have an issue when I try and publish a message to gcp pubsub:
#### Environment details
# OS type and version:
Red Hat Linux
# Java version:
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_252-b0…
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# 另外如果确认属于bug,而且已明确如何修复,请参考贡献指南直接提交PR,省的浪费时间在这里描述问题,非常感谢配合
### 简要描述
企业号内app发消息时 对xml内容做处理时报错
### 模块版本情况
## Environment Details
* Helidon Version: 2.3.2
* Helidon MP
* JDK version: 11
## Problem Description
Build the project created by the `database-mp` archetype and you'll see t…
Hello, when I use soot to get call graph, I put the "-cp" option in the command line:
-cp "/root/.m2/repository/org/neo4j/neo4j-primitive-collections/3.1.3/neo4j-primitive-collections-3.1.3.j…
## Issue Description
If you configure caching for a call to the com.sap.cloud.sdk.cloudplatform.resilience.ResilienceDecorator the underlying com.sap.cloud.sdk.frameworks.resilience4j.Resilience4jDec…