## reproduction steps
scala 2.13.3> object X ; object Y
object X
object Y
scala 2.13.3> (X: Any) match { case _: Y.type => 1 case _ => 2 }
val res0: Int = 2
scala 2.13.3> X match…
## Compiler version
## Minimized code
import hello.bla.*
@main def hello =
object kla:
def ra = ???
import kla.bla.ra1
@main def test =
Like circe:
import io.circe.generic.auto._
If we could do this. There will be less boilerplate code.
For example , use tapir to generate openapi, if i use zio-json as json plugin, i …
Hello, after update to scala 3.0.2 (https://github.com/avast/scala-server-toolkit/pull/879) we're seeing warning:
We currently support the suffixes `c3.x.y` to allow tests to compile part of the sources with a different compiler.
We should extend this to support Scala 2 as we have many issues related to compatib…
Scala steward raised an os-lib update `0.10.6 -> 0.10.7` in https://github.com/siriusxm/snapshot4s/pull/45 but the build is failing. It looks like the last update introduced a change that breaks the […
## Compiler version
Scala 3.2.0 / 3.2.1-RC2
## Minimized example & Output
val function: Int => Int = (x: Int) => x
val polyfunction: [T] => T => T = [U] => (x: U) => x
function …
_Originally posted by @Linyxus in https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/15175#issuecomment-1152619492_
Regarding the soundness holes caused by resetting approx state: yes, we have more soundness…
## minimized code
trait TC[F[_]]
object TC {
implicit def instance1: TC[[x] =>> Int => x] = new TC[[x] =>> Int => x] {}
implicit def instance2: TC[List] = new TC[List] {}
## Compiler version
Scala `3.0.0-M3` and `2.13.4`
When cross compiling `java.time` for Scala.js the following call site needs to be changed to `Month.values` to compile with Scala 3.