**Describe the bug**
When starting with `small.yml`, then changing ZeRO to 2 and `cpu_offload` to `true`, I get the following error:
RuntimeError: expected input to be on cuda
Has someone compiled Sire on Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit ARM ?
Had a go by installing http://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-aarch64.sh in $SIRE/build and installing miniconda in $HOM…
NCO opened numerous GFS v16 related [bugzilla](http://www2.spa.ncep.noaa.gov/bugzilla/) tickets which must be addressed in future GFS implementations. Some of NCO's bugzilla tickets are DA specific. …
Hi all,
two very common things that users will want to do in ESMValTool are:
1. Compare single model ensemble means.
For instance, I have a HadGEM2-ES 4 member ensemble and UKESM 12 member en…
**Describe the issue**
I am trying to replicate the evaluation results from different Models on different datasets (all supported by MMSegmentation) but I always get really low mIoU scores (~ 9.5 m…
At the SC21 BOF, interest in topics was ([src][bof]):
| topic | upvotes |
| --- | --- |
| Containers | 75% |
| Python | 63% |
| MPI …
tkphd updated
3 years ago
I've been using DDFacet as part of the ddf-pipeline and have looked into getting it running on several HPC systems. I'm finding the /dev/shm requirements to be particularly limiting on shared H…
Dear MFEM community,
As a quick test, I run ex16p with
`mpirun -np 4 ex16p -m ../data/amr-quad.mesh -o 4 -rs 0 -rp 0 --visit-datafiles`
which generates outputfiles Example16-Parallel_0000xx wher…
How can I configure windows in order for my Golang client to work ? e.g. where should I place `librdkafka` client ?
How to reproduce
1. download librd…
## Rationale
There are two main issues with existing BreakMeshByBlock
- [x] the interface sideset is not assigned correctly.
- [ ] ~the connectivity of the elements with news nodes are not corr…