Drush allows libraries to provide commands via autoloading patterns.
phpstan-drupal could provide one which generated the phpstan.neon for a project. It could also generate the entity mapping and oth…
It seems that code signing the binaries on macOS is becoming increasingly important.
We discussed this on the forum and some helpful tools were shown too
dpctl can detect cuda devices:
In [2]: import dpctl
In [3]: dpctl.get_devices()
Out[3]: []
but `dpctl.program` can't create kernels, [only `level_zero` and `opencl` are supported](…
Docker containers do not preserve extended attributes
**Steps to reproduce the issue:**
1. In the build phase, set an extended attribute on a file
2. Run the container and check …
### Description
I working on a project running on Google Dev Board. somehow I could not get the wired connection running.
Seems like it is an hardware problem since I had reflashed the device seve…
run miner:
C:\maining\Etherminer\bin>ethminer0.exe -P stratum1+tcp://0xc80ХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХ.ХХХ0@eth-eu.dwarfpool.com:8008
ethminer 0.18.0-alpha.3
Build: windows/release/msvc
### System information
Type | Version/Name
--- | ---
Distribution Name | CentOS
Distribution Version | 7.4
Linux K…
I built xformers 3 times in the past weeks successfully (for Torch 2.0 nightly), Today I tried to build it again in the same environment (no changes other than some unrelated windows updates) and afte…
I tried xpud kiosk mode (boot and land in google.com) , but the web page
gets displayed as a full page panel.
There is no firefox address bar and navigation buttons, to move between web