Jenkins does not like the declaration of the statusGroup var in the body. I dont know all the scope of this variable. However it could be included in the extent.js file.
htmlReporter.Configuration().CSS= "img[src*="pathTo/myImage.jpg"] "
and how to do it using a file with css?
Extent report version - 3.0
Language - Java and TestNG classes
I have a class - ExtentManager.java
```package framewrk;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.ExtentReports;
import com.av…
I am exploring extextX with extent reprots V3.0.3.
Multiple projects are created in extentX.
The test name PostCSV same across projects, but internal functionality different.
From the …
htmlReporter.Configuration().CSS = htmlReporter.Configuration().CSS = " < div id = ""theDiv"" >< img id = ""theImg"" src = ""theImg.png"" /> Where is the image ? ";
is this the right c…
Hi Anshoo,
Have used Extent Manager and ExtentTestManager
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import com.relevantcodes.extentreports.ExtentReports;
public class …
I am exporing ExtentX. Trying to understand the numbers shown in features and scenarios.
Please let me know if i am missing any thing here.
I am using 3 level parent, child nodes:
I have a parent node in the extent report. There are 3 child nodes.
Child1 - pass
Child2 - skip
Child3 - Fail
I have appended all the childnodes to the parent. How should i update the parent node …
if i used the command-
.documentTitle("User Management Sanity")
.reportName("login sanity")
what should i replace it with ?
I have not changed any of the files kept in your project and downloaded all the dependencies mentioned in the pom.xml
After running the Runner class this is the exception thrown which I got