This is my current script
corpus: Corpus = NLPTaskDataFetcher.load_column_corpus(data_folder, columns,
Specified GPU ('cuda:1') was ignored in `DocumentPoolEmbedding` since I'm using `ELMoEmbeddings` together with flair embeddings and in line 570 of `embeddings.py`, the device to use for e…
**Describe the bug**
As mentioned in the title, when I load the BERT embeddings from file, it reports an `UnicodeDecodeError`。
**To Reproduce**
The code is as follows:
from flair.embeddings…
In order to find the best parameters for different embeddings in flair training, parameter optimization script should be run on different embeddings. Parameters to be decided are the followings:
* hi…
**Describe the bug**
When I try to get a sentence embedding using BERT the output is an empty tensor
**To Reproduce**
``` python
import flair
document_embeddings = flair.embeddings.BertEmbedd…
I was wondering if it would be possible to add simple one-hot encoding of characters in a sentence. You already provide the following method, but this still requires training on a down-stream task:
I am trying to do a simple binary text classification using `DocumentRNNEmbeddings` and `TextClassifier` where the embedding used is the `CharacterEmbeddings()`.
The model looks like so:
WordEmbeddings work for me as expected, but calling .embed on a StackedEmbedding doesn't return any result:
import flair, torch
from flair.embeddings import CharacterEmbeddings, StackedEm…
A clear and concise description of what you want to know:
I want to make a custom NER tagger that can be used inside of Flair to `.predict()` custom tags of words in a text I give to it. Very similar…
Running into a Pytorch issue telling me that a PackedSequence has length 0]
corpus.dev = [sentence for sentence in corpus.dev if len(sentence) > 0]
custom_embedding = WordEmbeddings('pubm…