Import header file
Compile Command:
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE} -DVTK_DIR=/work/vtk-v9.1.0-wasm-build /work/examples/ReadOBJ/…
Hello, I'm starting a Common Lisp version at https://github.com/q3cpma/are-we-fast-yet/tree/common-lisp and I have some questions about it.
* Am I supposed to set the maximum optimization flags?
* H…
A common scenario that I have come across in projects, as well as having seen others work around, has been dealing with identifying whether a set has duplicates as well as getting the duplicate values…
Hi! First of all want to thank you for a great validation library!
Currently, I'm in a process of migrating my ember app to your validations library and I'm struggling with error keys emitted by c…
According to D5.1/ Required policies are:
Considering the two types of users in My City, the required polices are: Citizen can:
> - Accept join a group chat
> - Delete from a group chat
> - C…
I see that you already have a ticket offering JUnit/XML ( #16 ) and another
suggesting TAP ( #8 ). Neither of those formats collects all of the data that
I need. I suggest a generalized plugin…
The following `module-info.java` source is invalid
module com.example {
exports com.example;
provides com.example.Service with com.example.Provider1;
provides com.example.Service …
Inspired by https://github.com/ziglang/zig/pull/5734#discussion_r446585745
The goal of the `std.log` API is to allow developers to leave log statements in finished code, without causing any perform…
**Test device**
**Operating System**
iPadOS 15.1
**Problem description**
For https://github.com/phetsims/qa/issues/747. This is most impactful on iPad/touch devices sinc…
Consider adding a class labeled ‘diagnostic criteria’ to represent specific
sets of criteria that are agreed upon by the medical community to be sufficient
and/or necessary conditions for diagno…