1. 功能是在pandora-next/deploy和Ink-Osier/PandoraToV1Api两个项目的加持下实现的。
2. pandora-next是老pandora的升级版,具有图形界面和proxy的功能,PandoraToV1Api这个项目是在pandora-next的基础上用v1/chat/completions接口实现了许多可玩性的功能。
3. gpts及一些其他功能…
A GPTs that love to discuss, explain and dive in to the rabbit hole of lore and Easter eggs of games and movies:
DoD: ein Entwurf für Kapitel mit einem Überblick über die wichtigsten Tools und Dienste ist erstellt. Eisberg-Ansatz: die Top X direkt benennen/beschreiben + Links zu guten Kuratierungen.
How do I stop my bot from answering questions unrelated to my website content?
I see the fetch for this is currently commented out (and uncommenting doesn't enable) - is there an ETA for this feature as part of the overall Tools/Assistants?
On a related point, the addApiKeys…
User Story: As a gamer, I want the ability to collect items that I can use in future interactions so that I can shape/create my own adventure.
- Come up with a way to parse responses fr…
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_No response_
Great collection and thanks for your time and I have really not an issuse :)
However I was just testing some of the listed GPTs and for example: