# Noah Jeng Crossover grader - 2/2
## Self grade - 2/2
Completed Quiz with a score of 46/50, and did corrections on the missed questions.
# Finals - Quiz 5 Taken on 5/4/22
## Score - 46/50
Checkpoint Grading
Everything on GitHub pages, or -2 checks.
Individual GitHub pages (3 points)
GitHub page for Test Prep study, requiring 5.3, 5.4 notes and actions( …
Extra Credit for Acting/Skit/Improv ASI: 0 to +2 in Seed, -1 for not participating.
GH Indi Page, Review Ticket, Crossover graded
MCQ results > 50%, (1 or 0)
FRQs results > 50% (1 or 0)…
Here is your feedback for Lab Report 5:
- [x] Provides correct description of how mismatch in outputs was identified
- [x] Correct markdown formatting.
- [x] Lab report is on its own page, not t…
Here is your feedback for Lab Report 5:
- [x] Provides correct description of how mismatch in outputs was identified
- [x] Correct markdown formatting.
- [x] Lab report is on its own page, not th…
- [x] Extra Credit for Acting/Skit/Improv (ASI): 0 to +2 in Seed, Everyone must participate, -1 for not participating. Teacher interested in evaluation by crossover…
# Sprint_1_grading | Joanna’s amazing page
Class of 2025
**Total Score from Crossover grader Pranavi: 9.75/10**
**Score for Twitter video: 9.8/10**
- Video is under 2 minutes. Has video breakdowns allowing for easy navigation. Video shows clear effort and…
## Week 6 Individual - Rohit De
# Grade: 4.5/5 (+2 extra credit) - graded by Paul DiPasquale
- [x] Extra Credi…
## Total Score: 3.5/5 - Graded by Jakub Ponulak
- [x] - Study Plan - [Link](https://github.com/dtsivkovski/dtsivkovski-cspt3/issues/6)
- [x] - Quiz Corrections - [Link](https://dtsivkovski.github.io…