Following your work on causal convolution and a few issues mentioning the subject, I started to dig in a bit on it and it looks like a very good research direction.
I have gained my understanding o…
In this project, we used the package by Defferrard:
Cite paper:
Michaël Defferrard, Xavier Bresson, Pierre Vandergheynst, Convolutional Neural Networks on Gr…
in the FAQ of the new repo v2 you're mentioning the transition to Gluon API. does that mean the underlying C/C++ implementation (ie. the backend operators that are also used by Python fronten…
hi, I tried to apply deeplabv3+.
I built on Deeplab and I got frozen.pb [frozen_inference_graph.pb.zip]
When I converted, I got [deeplab_257_quantized.tflite.zip]
Finally, I ran on androi…
Thanks for your work, I collect some papers in ICLR 2019 by manually. Can I help you complete this repository?
Poster Presentations:
# Next paper candidates
Let's propose papers to study next! All papers mentioned in the comments of this issue will be listed in the next vote.
## Last session runner-up(s)
- [Learning and Evalua…
Hello, I found that when the input network has multiple convolution layers with pad operations, the memory allocated for the internal tensors are expanded to be larger than necessary, and the expansio…
wezuo updated
5 years ago
when I reproduct this code on my own application, I can easily get d_loss with 0 and g_loss with 20.
Hi @benedekrozemberczki ,
Let me first thank you for this promising work.
I would like to apply your GWNN to graph classification problems rather than nodes classification.
Do you have an…
## 🐛 Bug
Hello, I’m running a GAN model with some second-order regularization. The training went well at the beginning and the loss decreased. However, after a random period of time, ranging from 3…