Currently only one binding can be setup at a time, but it would be very useful to something like:
``` coffeescript
template = '
fragment = $(template)
model = new Backbone.Model
bruth updated
11 years ago
This can lead to future rendering failures when an inserted item's sibling can not be found.
it('should work with empty elements', function() {
var view = new Thorax.View({
template: …
HandlebarsViewResolver has two caches:
1) `private TemplateCache templateCache;` in HandlebarsViewResolver directly
2) `private final Map viewAccessCache` in its parent AbstractCachingViewResolver
As for now the parser only parses files with file extions `.js` and `.mustache`.
Extend the compiler to parse more files.
Hi there,
I´ve used handlebars for quite some time now in various combinations (with Backbone, Ampersand, in Node, etc.) & thought that I might should give `htmlbars` a spin, by upgrading a tiny amper…
## Description
The swagger-codegen-maven-plugin throws a runtime exception when using custom templates.
This issue only occurs on Windows!
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could …
I am planning to generate a series of pages using the same html file, hoping you could show me how I can do that using your package. 📦
In using a template which includes the literal text `~*`, the whitespace after that string is collapsed even though it is not within handlebars. I.e. `~* foo` ends up rendered as `~*foo`. An adopted w…
handlebars.scala is rather slow in environments where performance is critical. The default behavior is to use reflection on the fly to traverse the context given to the template. It would be great if …
Hi, if you want to display **{{** you can use this: {{#with "**{{**"}}{{.}}{{/with}} as specified in "**Suggested Handlebars Template Practices**".
I'm trying to display **}}** and if i add {{#with…