I'm trying hackmd on slides I have to do, partly using Chinese script.
I have troubles with typography, such as titles being bold, which is considered a bad practice in Chinese typography.
Simply a…
- `parlr/ruby-font-maker` : Stand alone NodeJS module.
- input : 2 fonts, a table of glyph / annotation pairs
- output : 1 font.
- `parlr/Hanzi-Pinyin-Data` : `data = [ { glyph: "", annotation:…
cri-ninja@hp-840:~/yug/Hanzi-Pinyin-Font$ npm start
> hanzi-pinyin-font@ start /home/cri-ninja/yug/Hanzi-Pinyin-Font
> node --max_old_space_size=8192 --optimize_for_size --max_executable_size…
The indent of long code lines inside a block that's passed as a marco argument occasionally becomes a dedent.
## Steps to reproduce (using rustfmt 0.8.3):
git clone https://github.com/hsivo…
trans = con.transaction()
for item in db_orig_hanzi.select():
why?Do I use the wrong?
**related:** #23
### Env
* text-to-svg: `^3.1.0`,
* font: https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-cjk/blob/master/NotoSansTC-Regular.otf
### Code
import TextToSVG from "text-to-svg";
I rename the project from _Hanzi-Pinyin-Font_ to _ruby-font-creator_, you need to update your remote URL:
git remote set-url origin git@github.com:parlr/ruby-font-creator.git
user = 'hanzi...'
key = '9e7e86971f49...'
everything is ok.
But when put `user` and `key` in gradle.properties
user = project.hasProperty('bintrayUser') ? project.property(…
Bpazy updated
7 years ago
The Taiwan Ministry of Education appears to state that the "都" character should look like this:
[Stroke Order Description](http://stroke-order.learningweb.moe.edu.tw/showWordImage.do?big5=B3A3)
>>> print(transcriptions.pinyin_to_zhuyin(ó))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\OneDrive\My Programs\zhuyin converter\Convert2BopomofoPunctuation.py", line 100, in