SejoB updated
2 years ago
For holes with fixed output invalidate all solutions that are longer than the output. For example, all Cubes solutions that are longer than 4100 bytes (for bytes scoring) or 2826 chars (for chars scor…
Only show widget if:
אם אחוז תאונות האופנוע במקטע גדול פי 2 או יותר מאחוז תאונות האופנוע בשאר הארץ ובנוסף היו לפחות 3 תאונות אופנוע קשות וקטלניות במקטע בתקופת הזמן
segment motorcycle acciden…
## To Do
- [x] Overview: With mini infographics
- [x] Event: With calendar to choose the date, and modal form to update data
- [x] Project Report Status
- [x] Infographics Pane with charts
- [x…
I'm looking critically at the "Teacher Resource" page for the first time and am finding it a little overwhelming and disorganized.
The bulleted items all represent very different levels of importa…
Look in discussions section.
I'm not sure why we need to separate "pombase publications" from "collaborative publications" which are hidden down at the bottom of the page.
The agenda for this coming week is as follows:
1. Dong update
2. Jason update
3. Peter update
4. Cold cases/Code Review/Discussion
a. @balacij
b. @cd155
c. @peter-michalski
d. @JacquesCar…
### 1) je třeba opravit věci typu "v loňském roce", např. zde:
tu je celkový výpis:
✔ ~/faktaoklimatu.cz/gitfolder/faktaoklimatu [crysman-reviz…