已在 1.0-EA2 修复
_Originally posted by @Him188 in https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/issues/412#issuecomment-653416239_
jdk版本 1.8_162(Orecla) 和 1.8_252(openJdk)
The UI unresponsiveness and occasional sluggishness with React Native have become frustrating enough to warrant a proper rewrite in native code.
I'd like to implement pagination on the RV, however I am not sure how to add a second unit (or a viewholder) for the loading view , that I then remove when more items are loaded.
Currently I only h…
**Ktor Version and Engine Used (client or server and name)**
Version 1.3.1 of Ktor client with Android module
**Describe the bug**
When I do a get request I am getting `Exception in thread "main"…
Hi, i try set Navigation Bar image and color, how can i do this? Where should I put the image in folders, so that they are available in MR.images/resource.xxxx like MR.strings?
And how change button …
I have the following code:
DATABASE_CONTEXT.async(block = block).await()
IntelliJ gives me a warning and wants to simplify it to use `withContext` instead of `async`.
These two …
test {
doesn't seem to work in multiplatform projects.
However, this does:
jvmTest {
Setting up the dependencies for this lib gives me the following errors:
Unable to find a matching variant of com.badoo.reaktive:reaktive-android:1.1.8:
- Variant 'android-releaseApiElements…
Klock is an [MPP Kotlin Library](https://github.com/korlibs/klock) to handle Date and Time in a MPP fashion.
We should add some matchers to their types, similar to the ones we have for `java.time`
I've been using gradle to manage my dependencies and https://github.com/ben-manes/gradle-versions-plugin to check for new versions. This works fine for all the other libraries I have, but has issues w…