[PostGraphile](https://www.graphile.org/graphile-build/look-ahead/) use look-ahead and [Hasura](https://blog.hasura.io/architecture-of-a-high-performance-graphql-to-sql-server-58d9944b8a87) translate …
Our integrators currently return a time domain that might be [0, h] for Picard time-invariant flows, or [t, t+h] for Series flows. We should either guarantee a common domain (the latter), or in altern…
At the moment we use a _stratified_ universe hierarchy to avoid Girard's Paradox (endemic to systems where `Type : Type`). Unfortunately this means that we lose some polymorphism. For example:
What is the syntax for the units: one, bottom, top and zero? is it 1, bot, top, 0?
What is the syntax for orthogonal? is it (_)^?
Chapter 1
Page number: 27-28
Error description: Merge routine contains for loops but it is still iterative and not recursive as you are saying. The fact that you used induction for the proof of co…
早先算是开了个头: [实践"两周自制脚本语言"一书](http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4563689271)
昨天也被 @qingseshaohua [提醒](https://github.com/program-in-chinese/overview/issues/31#issuecomment-328411951)一个很重要的方向是让更多人能够容易用编程的方式解决自己的…
I'm thinking about implementing a probabilistic parsing for CCG because it might be wanted. It is mentioned in https://github.com/nltk/nltk/wiki/Semantic-Parsing, https://groups.google.com/forum/#!top…
Hi @brandonwillard, I work on the [Pyro](http://pyro.ai/) team, where we've been independently developing what seems like a closely related [library](https://github.com/pyro-ppl/funsor). I just stumb…
These would be great for experimentation.
See: http://conal.net/papers/compiling-to-categories/
Also see: https://gist.github.com/paf31/5c1279796d66fe04a177e34b0d674ac6
It gives you a lambda …
Here is a self-contained module (a simple proof of determinacy for lambda
calculus; it won't work because I've omitted the beta rule for purposes of
reducing the test-case) which demonstrates the pr…