Olá @arthurgermano , vc presta consultoria por hora?
Estou tentando usar este seu script mas estou com dificuldade de gerar os certificados.
Gostaria de agendar uma consultoria com vc
使用chfs(cute http file server)搭建的简单webdav服务器,尝试同步书签,报出[405 Method Not Allowed](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/web/http/status/405)错误,与浏览器直接不受webdav支持地访问webdav网站爆出的错误一致。
This might not be an issue with h2o.
Using Synth on FreeBSD, I am not able to build h2o with OpenSSL 1.1.0.
Some dependencies seem to require Python, which is marked as broken with openssl-devel.
I followed the [Sharing git credentials](https://code.visualstudio.com/remote/advancedcontainers/sharing-git-credentials#_using-ssh-keys) resource to setup my windows _ssh agent_. I believe it worked …
I have a printer/scanner with the ability to send scans as PDFs over email. It is limited to speaking older protocols, but configuring my 'listen' directive like this used to be OK:
listen on…
law updated
10 months ago
### I've searched open issues for similar requests
- [X] Yes
### I've manually reviewed logs to find potential errors
- [X] Yes
### I've recently downloaded the latest plugin version of mason.nvim…
It looks like using Secretive as the IdentityAgent invalidates options specified in `~/.ssh/config` such as `ControlMaster` and `ControlPersist`.
This means that I cannot set keep alive to ~15 minu…
Hi folks,
I'm getting a package error when installing Wal-e on DB Docker.
Good job btw, thanks.
VERSION="18.04.3 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"
After rebuilding remote server, ssh from shell works if fingerprint is removed from known_hosts, however Sequel Ace breaks. Tried removing Sequel Ace entries from keychain but still does not connect. …
ghost updated
3 years ago
The ftp server ([ftp://wmo:essential@dissemination.ecmwf.int](ftp://wmo:essential@dissemination.ecmwf.int)) where `TCForecast.fetch_ecmwf()` fetches the latest TC tracks does not work anymore since ar…