I'm trying to build v19.5.3.8-stable tag, without `-DENABLE_EMBEDDED_COMPILER:BOOL=False` it couldn't be built with the error from the folowwing log.
**Operating system**: Arch Linux with next inst…
This happens for MasterDuke and for my SourceBaby bot on hack, but not my debian google VM. Camelia also seems to have built the lattest ( https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/3272207ae52aa0577fd69…
Waht exactly does `mp_complement` do? The comment says `b = ~a`, so it is supposed to be a `not` function? `not` like in `and`, `or`, `xor`? Has it something to do with the new two's complement functi…
try to build libtomcrypt on win10-64bit with mingw-gcc:
mingw32-make makefile.mingw
'uname' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'{' is not recog…
Before running `make` I need to `mkdir /opt/riscv/sysroot/lib64`. It looks like this could be related to https://github.com/michaeljclark/busybear-linux/commit/5427ac14e3f85ceafd38e3c15d92c3f62429e7f7…
Trying to build https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/00eb7b856129e5c481c9adeae8cadbafcced24dc hangs. The last successful build on this box I made on `2018.10-53-g8e858c8`
Here's the build sessio…
#### Description
When I use ***minSdkVersion 19*** compile my project, and in the link step, I got this error:
With a fresh Arch Linux installation, the benchmark fails with the following error:
ERROR: returned incorrect result: (314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 31415926535897932384626433…
It would be nice if I could convert a mp_int into a float or double, preserving the magnitude and some of the first digits, though of course the general case will be lossy. If the mp_int is too large,…
[x32 build log](http://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=moarvm&arch=x32&ver=2016.11%2bdfsg-1&stamp=1480339463) of [Debian moarvm build](https://qa.debian.org/bls/packages/m/moarvm.html)…