In v0.3.1, compiled dictionaries from JumanDic have not been distributed because the lexicon file is in an unexpected CSV format.
More precisely, we will get the following error message from the `com…
## problem
QA task를 풀던 중 error 발생.
from kss import split_sentences
text = '감소한 반면에 해・공군의 점유율이 상대적으로 상승하였다. 해, 공 군 및 연구개발 분야의'
# split_sentences(text, backend="mecab") # backend mecab에서도…
I tried next code.
using Awabi
# テスト用ユーザー辞書作成準備
test_dir = joinpath(ENV["HOME"], "test_awabi");
userdic_src = joinpath(test_dir, "user_dic.csv");
userdic = joinpath(test_dir, "user.…
Not sure if this is a MeCab thing or a Unidic thing, but full-width spaces are properly output while half-width spaces are simply swallowed:
>>> from fugashi import Tagger
>>> TAGGER = Tag…
_This is a slightly exotic feature request. I won't mind if you close this request but I still wanted to bring it up as I found it useful in our situation._
We have a Japanese translation in our cu…
안녕하세요. 사용 중 질문이 있어 문의 남깁니다.
예를 들어 `'문장 입니다'`가 `['문장(NNG)', '이(VCP)', 'ㅂ니다(EF)']`로 분할이 되었다고 가정해 보겠습니다.
이 때, 쪼개져버린 `'이'` + `'ㅂ니다'`를 원문인 `'입니다'`의 형태로 받을 수 는 없을까요?
제가 아주 정확하게는 모르지만, mecab의 경우 `+`표기를 …
Hi Tim, I'm trying to find a forced aligner for Japanese.
I followed the readme and run the align_example.py, the following log and error showed up.
STEP 1: Generating transcripts
### Describe the bug
Tacotron2-dca does not finetune, and crashes due to value in a tensor becoming `Nan`
I have been lurking on this repo and finetuning the tacotron models directly via config …
### Describe the bug
I've installed package 'tts' on an Arm64, Debian 11 machine with Python 3.9 in a fresh virtual environment.
Running the test command: `tts --text "Hello this is a test." --m…