I am trying to load a pre-trained caffe model in Digits but get the following error message:
_ERROR: Check failed: target_blobs.size() == source_layer.blobs_size() (5 vs. 3) Incompatible number of …
Retinanet-ResNeXt50 with 800x800 will be the candidate for Object Detector in v2.1 for Data Center.
What would be the equivalent for Edge? (up to v2.0, SSD-Mobilenet 300x300 for Edge and SSD-ResNet3…
I see your saved models for imageNet are very huge (**48.2MB**) while in the code they are **4.9MB** (#parameters). I also double checked MobileNet v2 only **14.02MB** on Pytorch.
Could you …
Right now Turicreate supports YOLO for object detection. YOLO is nice, but I've personally found Faster R-CNNs and SSDs to be more accurate and easier to train (but at the expense of model size). Comb…
HI, thanks for awesom work, I tested in image by ssd_mobilenet_v2_egohands model in 1080ti GPU, but the speed is slow, about 700ms for each image averagely.
Are there some thing wrong with me, Co…
The benchmark show the nx could get >800fps when use ssd-mobilenet-v1 models,
but when I use this model for process real video, it only get 60fps, and I use mutiple threat method to accelerat…
I have my own trained model with ssd_mobilenet_v2_fn.
And then, I tried both of tensorflow-onnx-trt and tensorflow-uff-trt, but all not working.
In stage of onnx-trt and uff-trt, it gives error.
I …
Would you be sharing the code for training the model from scratch?
Is it possible to train with Mobilenet (V1/v2) kind of architecture?
Hi, great project. I was wandering is there a way to restore last given checkpoint and continue training without downloading module from TFhub?
Can you give some example for Mobilenet maybe?
when I make the project, and it has two error:
`/home/snow/MobileNet-YOLO-master/src/caffe/util/io.cpp: In function ‘bool caffe::ReadJSONToAnnotatedDatum(const string&, int, int, caffe::…