13.2 Example Cluster Configuration:
Mismatch of 2000: points and Optional:…
# Search Terms
'TS18033', 'typescript define enum with constant string value', 'string enum computed constant'
## Suggestion
Please consider enabling to use constant variables as values for s…
I've created the following filter:
All messages matching a regular expression
pattern (taskotron|Taskotr…
8.3.1 Cluster bootstrap and more:
Please remove
cluster-name=hacluster \
## Objective
Create a localnet configuration for full nodes, ensuring the ability to scale up and distinguish between validators and full nodes, and preventing the cluster manager from staking when i…
## Context
Metrika's node agent can be installed by node operators to monitor their node. The node agent currently ingests notifications emitted by the node (currently via scraping the node's logs lo…
## Objective
Automate **Debug** LocalNet E2E and set the foundation for future E2E automation.
## Origin Document
See the origin document in #466 as a starting point as it is a necessary prec…
when running rsync for huge files, the rsync IO is so high that the pacemaker cluster explodes in various timeout.
This is most likely an issue that we will see only in CI but it can potentially af…
Hi All
I have setted up a PCS cluster on centos stream9.And I want to add VIP to it but encountered some Error
pcs version==0.11.4
[root@node1 pcs]# pcs resource create VirtualIP ocf:heartb…