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I am trying to run multi_camera_multi_person_tracking.py in python_demos. The command I am trying is
python3 multi_camera_multi_person_tracking.py \
-i in-store.mp4 \
--config config.py \
Dear Zhou:
Your paper and framework are very graceful, thank you. However I still get a problem:
I read the paper “Learning Generalisable Omni-Scale Representations for Person …
`(torchreid) hxr@cvnlpserver:~/liuhw/PyProjects/deep-person-reid$ python setup.py develop`
`Segmentation fault (core dumped)`
I have install the requirement and pytorch with cuda10.0, but fail in th…
I have trained OSNet on Market1501、DukeMTMC-reID、CHUK03 and MSMT17 with referring to the paper regarding the hyperparameter setting https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.06827. And I got **the same result** as p…
./pedestrian_tracker_demo -i ~/Downloads/mall.mp4 -m_det ~/processed_models/Retail/object_detection/pedestrian/rmnet_ssd/0013/dldt/person-detection-retail-0013-fp16.xml -d_det MYRIAD -m_reid ~/p…
I have a question about new [person-reidentification-model-0103/107/200 (based on OSNet)](https://github.com/opencv/open_model_zoo/blob/develop/models/intel/index.md#reidentification-models).
when i am trying to run the model it is saying zero tracks found, i followed the steps mentioned in the reame and tried running for mot17_train_frcnn dataset i.e default version in yaml.
can someone …
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '3,4' 一定要在 import torchreid 之前设置,否则设置无效
First of all, thank you very much for open sourcing this repo.
I have a question about pytorch_toolkit/face_recognition/* code.
I would like to re-train (and/or fine-tune) a "[person-reidentific…