Currently, to have a function fired upon each animation update, you need to do this:
var spr = game.add.sprite(0, 0, "something");
var anim = spr.animations.add("run", [0, 1, 2, 3], 6);
Right mouse button does not work in the browser Maxthon and Nitro. The following code displays in any case 'left mouse':
game.input.onDown.add(function (p) {
if (game.input.activePointer.lef…
This Issue is about (delete as applicable)
- An error in the TypeScript defs
In example
``` typescript
class MyGame extends Phaser.Game {
No errors
When I compile wit…
onInputOver fails while using Touch on the 2nd time and after.
The isOver flag is left on when releasing a touch on an input object because it never calls the _pointerOutHandler. So when the touch i…
Sometimes, you need an input field in your game. For example, I have an email and password input fields so that players can enter my game. I have made background sprites for them in Phaser where they …
This Issue is about (delete as applicable)
- A bug in the API
When using looped audiosprite sprites pause and resume the audiosprite seemingly gets confused and will start playing the entire audiospr…
These 3 methods are simply missing from the definition file.
``` js
class TilemapLayer extends Phaser.Sprite {
getTileX(x: number): number;
getTileXY(x: number, y: number, point: Phaser.…
Hi, when I used default (square) body, everything works fine, but if I add `playerSprite.body.setCircle(25)`, that body **sometimes** goes through other square body.
`playerSprite` is moving from left…
spixy updated
7 years ago
- A bug in the API
audioJSON = {
spritemap: {
'one': {start: 0, end: 6.5, loop: true},
'two': {start: 7, end: 9, loop: false}
audioSprite = this.load.audiospri…
If game.physics.p2.useElapsedTime == true then use game.time.physicsElapsed == 1/60
If game.physics.p2.useElapsedTime == fa…