I run imt_gsea in linux command line:
~$ imt_gsea -i ~/cyf/IMAGEGENE/Imt_cth_z_reflect_pls/pls_analysis.pkl -g Allen_Brain_Atlas_up -o ~/cyf/IMAGEGENE/AHBA
2024-06-06 18:07:16,803: Performing GSE…
Hi Yatin,
In regards to running the rule mining baseline, would the steps be the following?
1. Run `rule_mining.py` in `Rule-Mining-DistMult` to get rules files for length 1, 2, and 3 rules named …
I've been struggling with getting pkl to work at work and it turns out from someone else's issue that this is due to the fact pkl doesn't currently support proxies. It is quite diffucult to di…
Hi, I found that you only uploaded the ek100_eval_labels.pkl, could you please share the ek55_eval_labels.pkl?
Thank you!
When I run the web app in a python2.7 environment with all the dependencies, I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "app.py", line 44, in
app.where2go = lo…
File open error : cloth.binary.p
I download it from [here ](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1g3MVuKsnAL-7-QByDyb_kWXHgVjzFP5z)
extract rule done!
writing done!
loading w2v …
Hi sir, i have downloaded it, but it seems i'm missing two files namely: filenames.pkl and embeddings.pkl, where can i find them?
Hi, @jagjeet-singh
Thanks for sharing the baseline code. I'm trying to train the LSTM Social model and evaluate on the validation set.
The results of LSTM Social model on validation set are worse …