HttpException: https://api.twitter.com/1.1/users/show.json?screen_name=ghazayel resulted in `401 Unauthorized` in lib/contents.php line 194
index.php(7): RssBridge->main()
Because of the nature of the project, bridges _will_ break for various reasons. Sites change, rate limits set in place, IPs get blocked, paywalls appear, HTML change slightly and so on. The issue trac…
I have set up RSS Bridge on my XAMPP server, and have tried adding a Twitter feed in the Twitter Bridge. But i get the below error.
It seems to send it out on a bunch of redirects. And i do…
**Describe the bug**
Bridge should be able to reach AO3 to scrape links, due to a DDOS attack occuring on Mon 7/10 the site enabled Cloudflare protection to keep the site working. Due to this rss-bri…
Error message: `Call to a member function getAttribute() on null`
Query string: `action=display&bridge=Vk&u=advance_empire&format=Html`
Version: `dev.2022-06-14`
**Describe the bug**
When trying to install Node modules, an error over n8n-nodes-base is shown. The new Node modules are installed, but some community nodes stop working, like n8n-nodes-rss-feed-tri…
Error message: `Unable to find group title!`
Query string: `action=display&bridge=Facebook&context=Group&g=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F2972273986120730%2F&limit=-1&format=Html`
**Describe the bug**
I have RSS-Bridge set up behind Nginx Proxy Manager's [HTTP Basic Authentication](https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/security-controls/configuring-http-basic-authenticati…
How is the facebook bridge suppose to work? Take this as a sample page: `https://www.facebook.com/facebook/`
I've tried entering the username as `facebook`, the ID `20531316728`, and `facebook/2053…
### 功能改进
目前只能用docker compose在unraid终端手动部署,不仅参数设置比较麻烦而且出错了也很难发现问题,希望能提交一份方便部署的官方版本