The project is all setup using serverless bundle but not having this option is a bummer. I need this to be able to debug lambda functions using Thundra. My code is written using Typescript so need the…
My Serverless Framework stack has an AppSync API endpoint in it and it would be great to include its Log Group within Cloudash.
Those pesky VTLs require more me to inspect the logs more than Lambda …
I'm using Netlify functions for serverless
When I tried `serverless-pg` I had the following error:
[ERROR] Could not resolve "pg-native"
I'm having quite often problem with ResponseTimeoutError during deployment process when the roles are checked in RAM. The roles are setup correctly because the process sometimes finishes without …
### Describe the problem
As SvelteKit projects are often deployed in serverless environments, tools like [`node-cron`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-cron) are not really usable, and makes sche…
Hi @mengjiann I tried running this through the serverless application repository and I receive this error
The runtime parameter of nodejs8.10 is no longer supported for creating or updating AW…
I am currently using Zappa for the Django application to make serverless and manually maintaining aws glue's python jobs for replacing the batch server celery. can you please make aws-glue as asynchr…
I am getting a error when validating this template:
service: ServerlessTest
name: aws
runtime: nodejs10.x
handler: index.handler
It would be great if there was a DigitalOcean functions example.
Their functions seem very simple, with the request being handled by a `main(args)` entrypoint.
I'm trying to figure out how to ca…
使用vercel提供的免费的`Serverless Functions`,只需要域名就可以国内使用,但是vercel貌似不支持db,只能简易api