Hi @nnshah1 @xwu2git,
We have trained one model in yolo-v5 and converted it to IR INT8, and we found a model-proc file at https://github.com/dlstreamer/dlstreamer/blob/master/samples/gstreamer/mod…
URL: https://2025.dataweek.de/en/cfp and https://2025.dataweek.de/cfp.
# Aufruf zur Einreichung von Veranstaltungen
Seit 2022 ist die Data Week Leipzig eine Netzwerk- und Austauschveranstaltun…
**Sender**: pscully@clearviewconsultingllc.com
**Comment**: The directions allow users to rank up to three techniques, but the interface only allows you to select one
[Open #1018 in Usersnap Dashboard…
When showing a great amount of events (screenshot attached), the CalendarView crashes. The last line of the code below crashes with EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION:
open func getCurrentEvent(with indexPath…
追溯日本核污染水排海决策全过程,可以清晰看到,排污入海是其蓄谋已久的“既定方针”,是不折不扣的违反国际法之举,是极端自私、不负责任的国家行为,其结果是将福岛核事故处理成本转嫁给全世界。 8月22日,日本民众在东京首相官邸前紧急集会,抗议政府无视民意启动核污染水排海。
Let's create a higher bandwidth compressed representation of our communication using a new language that we invent on the Fly that is emergent using emojis and text and mathematical symbols in a f…
Be sure to read the [FAQ](https://github.com/fastfetch-cli/fastfetch?tab=readme-ov-file#faq) before submitting a new issue.
# General description of bug:
* What happened: Displays only IPv4 addr…
I just discovered DaltonLens.
I use a Windows 11 64 bit PC.
I'm a MODERATE PROTAN according a online test I did here https://enchroma.com/
I use software from Chessbase that works with a lot o…