Currently, when a command finishes with non-0 exit code Read the Docs stops and fails the build immediately. This is a feature in itself because the build requires all the steps to success to be able …
There are a few improvements we can make to the spectral index transforms in torchgeo:
- [x] Adding a latex rendering of the index in the docs that show the wavelengths of the bands used (with their …
**Describe the bug**
I have a library module where functions have decorator versions generated for them via a factory function. The newly generated decorators have docstrings inherited from the base …
This could be useful for copying static assets such as `images` and `download` files
mmcky updated
5 years ago
How do we want to provide docs for REST API?
I'll try to list some different options:
- we could use [sphinxcontrib](http://pythonhosted.org/sphinxcontrib-httpdomain/) and the [flask plugin](http://p…
In the sphinx docs, we say to use `ArrayView` to access `Array` elements, but we don't say why. https://github.com/LLNL/axom/blob/develop/src/axom/core/docs/sphinx/core_containers.rst#using-arrays-in…
## 背景
paddlenlp 使用的文档主题属于古董级别的了,该换一个新面孔了。
docs 基于 [Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/)构建,而 sphinx 的文档主题比较多,可参考以下资源:
* https://sphinx-themes.org/#themes
* https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch_sphinx_…
Currently, html_sourcelink_suffix defaults to `.txt`. This means that all of the sourcelinks have `.txt` appended to them. So for example, `myfile.rst` becomes `myfile.rst.txt`. I believe that this wa…
Documentation should be built with sphinx, and installed. Linking the documentation with the sage documentation is an unsolved problem - see the following tickets
- #27697 (Make pplpy doc location c…