- Turned production on: `export NODE_ENV=production`
- Started the app: `coffee server.coffee`
- Edited some css
- Reloaded the browser window, I get the error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Illegal retu…
I'm about 50% sure this is a Django / Django Haystack bug...
The error happens when running on:
- NGINX 1.4.4
- uWSGI 2.0
- PostgreSQL 9.3
- elasticsearch 0.90.9
- Django 1.4.4
When running sev…
https://gist.github.com/unthingable/5708136 — the mapping and the template that produced it. The mapping has no _ttl.
I wish to restructure the project directory to use a layout that is common in web applications:
/ (project top level)
/toast (web application level)
+--> /assets
+--> /tests…
public class MainActivity extends RoboSherlockFragmentActivity implements ActionBar.TabListener {
* Called when the activity is first created.
SectionsPagerAdapter mSectionsPagerAdapter;
First of all, this is the best thing I've found in a long time. The expose approach is epic. Scoping has always been tough with ECMA languages and see no point to things like User = require('models/…
When changing orientation in the SplashActivity the app crashed due to the known "Bitmap size exceeds VM heap size" error. Probably resizing the splash image solves that problem.
Away from keyboard.
A tag (such as `v2.26-market`) should be added to the commit corresponding to an official releases. That would ease the construction of the "What's new" and of the contributors list.