For a UGRID file that has faces, edges and nodes fully specified the images that ncWMS2 is producing (as seen by Godiva3) are being clipped as per the min/max of the face coordinates, hence the rest o…
On my ncWMS2 endpoint (http://gamone.whoi.edu/ncWMS/Godiva3.html), when I click on a variable that does not depend on time, like the water depth (e.g. "COAWST" => "h") , I get back "Feature Info Unava…
What am I missing?
The following is the tail of the stdout while running prepare with cmor3.2.
Should I install genutil outside of this anaconda package?
CPack messes up some of the dependencies of the UGrid Visualization plugin and fails to produce a working .dylib for the package. This means the plugin is not loaded when MITK-GEM is started. Happens …
araex updated
7 years ago
I have an idea for a notebook to predict water temperatures around Hatteras Island and in Pamilico sound to help a sea turtle stranding network anticipate water temperatures dropping below 50°F that c…
@taylor13 @doutriaux1 I've included an email from Martin Juckes below which outlines some key items for consideration in CMOR updates in preparation for CMIP6:
-----Original Message-----
From: "m…
I deployed a sci-wms docker container according to the [instructions](http://sci-wms.github.io/sci-wms/docs/deployment.html#docker-recommended). I can view the landing page. I can login. I can update …
`--check ugrid` and `--check sgrid` or something that runs the resulting NcML through a compliance checker.
Add function to load a Shapely geometry from index and coordinate arrays. This may be used to compare the Shapely/OGR WKT from the loaded geometry with the test fixture WKT.