Could we maybe add it to our tests and allow the test to fail? Just to verify what the issues are that need to be resolved to move forward.
Unfortunately, there is an issue with my PR https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil/pull/3620.
The windows binary does not seem to work. The size of the library is also suspiciously small. Symbo…
> Hi @pedro-cf , here is an [example](https://github.com/Unidata/tds/blob/main/tds/src/test/content/thredds/tds-…
### Versions impacted by the bug
### What went wrong?
I am unable to read BUFR files from these stations:
- SOWR = Wroclaw (PL) or Leba (PL)
- LFPW = Trappes (FR)
The files f…
Following the example in the docs for reading a netcdf throws error for `YAXArrays` but not `NCDatasets` or `NetCDF`:
using Downloads
import YAXArrays as YAXA
using NetCDF
path2file = …
For the [PREEVENTS](https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1664175) project.
Comments on WRF-SFIRE edits here, for the other side at UtahEFD/QES-Winds#2.
Would there be any interest in using the NetCDF as the output file format for SWMM? It is self documenting, portable, and is able to scale well.
I tried to open a dataset on a thredds server with nc2mmd, for example running
nc2mmd -i https://thredds.met.no/thredds/dodsC/met.no/observations/stations/SN99935.nc -o .
### Versions impacted by the bug
v5.x, v6.x, v7.x
### What went wrong?
When accessing NETCDF via-WMS in TDS I'm getting this error in the logs:
2023-06-15T15:02:46.751 +0000 [ 1522855]…
Since I moved to the recent version of TDS 5.4-SNAPSHOT (the docker image) my old setup doesn't work anylonger. I used 4.6.20-SNAPSHOT before where it worked just fine. Now the problem is as follows: