Add or update [Dependabot Configuration](https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/dependabot/dependabot-version-updates/configuration-options-for-the-dependabot.yml-file) files to/in select repositori…
_From @ChristopherA on June 30, 2017 6:44_
I really like idea of using a bech32 encoded DID:BTCR as @sipa did some amazing work investing a good error detecting AND correcting encoding algorithm. ht…
Currently, implementations can protect the PoP for wallet attestations (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-looker-oauth-attestation-based-client-auth) by:
- making it short lived
- making it o…
The following is an Accessibility Self-Review for [BBS Cryptosuite v2023: Securing Verifiable Credentials with Selective Disclosure using BBS Signatures](https://w3c.github.io/vc-di-bbs). This specifi…
### Code
It is for this project, to run it locally you need twitter API credentials in an .env file
### Meta
### Name of your specification
BBS Cryptosuite v2023 Securing Verifiable Credentials with Selective Disclosure using BBS Signatures
### URL of your specification
### User Story:
As a Passport holder,
I want to push my onchain Passport to the Arbitrum network,
So that I can utilize my identity and credentials seamlessly across multiple blockchains and enhance m…
## Summary
When creating a schedule for the first time, these need to set to true in the template, otherwise an error is reported:
ask_variables_on_launch: true
Hello, I wonder if there will be support for the W3C ed25519-2020 verification keys as shown here soon if planned at all? What is the current state of planning for this support?
W3C ed25519-2020 v…
The current examples of SD-JWT in section 3.2, whilst correct, only comprise the credential with the SD fields flagged (using !sd) prior to securing, followed by the SD-JWT secured verifiable credenti…