OSX 10.14.5
Latest visjs from https://unpkg.com/vis-network/standalone/umd/vis-network.min.js
(7.4.0, I believe)
Bug in solver() in HierarchicalRepulsionSolver.js:70
distance is defined as const b…
When adding a custom time bar the given date is converted to a long,
But, later …
I want to be able to position a popover over a canvas element, at a certain X,Y position over the canvas.
I have a hover event from the canvas library (visjs-network) which gives me the XY co-ordin…
I'm using react with vis-network, latest version.
"react": "16.13.1",
"react-dom": "16.13.1",
After lib update:
"vis-data": "6.5.1",
"vis-network": "7.4.2",
I got an error debugging https://github.com/visjs/vis-timeline/issues/72 on IE11.
There seams to be a problem in the `selectiveExtend` function.
It looks to me that the babel transform of the res…
Hi, could you help me?
1. Is it possible to work with time crossings, for …
I found issue when adding custom time with 0 value. It will incorrectly set time to `new Date()`.
It is because of this line:
I'm trying to use this along with `vis-network` for a project with typescript, but I keep getting the following error:
Hi, I am using the visJS timeline component with nested grouping.
If I supply the groups as a plain array, I get a `DataSet` ([see here](https://github.com/visjs/vis-timeline/blob/master/lib/timeli…