Just being rather picky here, but table and field names that also happen to be reserved SQL keywords are not escaped properly by squel. For example...
Wrong -> SELECT select FROM select S
If I use `istanbul cover -- vows *.js` and a test breaks (exit's 1), then istanbul should do the same or else it looks like the test is passing when in fact it's failing.
Instead of this:
It would be great if this was allowed:
ghost updated
12 years ago
Because of the unresolved aw,snappage in chrome (see #2691), we open the dialog with an "about:blank" URL in new-user-secondary-test. Unfortunately, FF doesn't handle this too well:
Here's the second…
Looks like there are some command line params that are missing from http://vowsjs.org/#reference, notably
-i, --isolate
All seem to be missing, which makes me th…
I can't install gitteh with npm.
It seems like there are missing headers that gitteh needs from libgit2.
Here's the output from npm:
> npm install gitteh
npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.or…
What reason adding modules manually? Not through the package system?
rbytes is using depreciated node-waf.
Console log:
npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/scripted
npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/scripted
npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/amdef…
The package looks super-helpful so I took it for a test-drive, but I immediately ran into the issue described below. Happy to dig in and do some testing / debugging but I figured I would ping you firs…