(After reading this posts, please read my comment after this thread was closed. Thanks)
As an app will use many more different fields than generic display components needed to display them, for kee…
I have a simple custom directive that I haven't added any functionality to: it's sitting in `app/directives/currency.js`:
``` javascript
module.exports = {
update: function(newValue, oldValue) {
I'm trying to format a cell and nothing is working. The documentation seems to be a little vague here. I think I need to use the `templates` key on the options, right? It seems nothing I put in there …
{{ amount | currency '₫' 0 }}
The 0 simply not taking effect.
The result is always xxx.00
### Feature Request
It would be nice to be able to use a variable to specify a filter. For example, a table component could have a column definition passed as a prop:
columns: [
### Vue.js version
### Steps to reproduce
We have developed an input component for formatted numbers (think currencies, percents) which does not work reliable anymore with the newest versi…
比如我要根据`currency`过滤器扩展成一个 `rmb`过滤器
``` js
Vue.filter('rmb', function(val){
// 这里如何调用已有的过滤器
return Xxx.filter.currency(val, '¥');
I think this was being addressed in another issue ~~but I can't find it~~ #554.
Here is a case scenario problem: http://jsfiddle.net/tsx6hw7r/4/
EDIT: here another example of the problem: http:/…
je viens d'installer en mode test tgg_atos.
Je l'ai installé en local et sur un serveur distant.
Sur le serveur distant, à cause de la limitation à 52 caractères, il a fallut remonter le rép…