What new or enhanced feature are you proposing?
To support RSS Version 2.0 or Atom 1.0 feeds.
What goal would this enhancement help you achieve?
Greater interoperability with the Syndication su…
What new or enhanced feature are you proposing?
To support RSS Version 2.0 or Atom 1.0 feeds.
What goal would this enhancement help you achieve?
Greater interoperability with the Syndication su…
What new or enhanced feature are you proposing?
To support RSS Version 2.0 or Atom 1.0 feeds.
What goal would this enhancement help you achieve?
Greater interoperability with the Syndication su…
Currently geolocation tracking works when the app is running in the foreground or background.
1. It is preferable to have the geolocation tracking run even when the app is closed on both Android a…
The Cairo R package has an additional dependency on libXt development headers (`libxt-dev` on Ubuntu or `libXt-devel` on CentOS), which isn't declared in the SystemRequirements: https://cran.r-project…
As a user, I'm still struggling to share very large files with others. Send currently has a 1gb upload limit, which is too small for some legitimate use cases, like sharing a collection of RAW photos …
What new or enhanced feature are you proposing?
To support RSS Version 2.0 or Atom 1.0 feeds.
What goal would this enhancement help you achieve?
Greater interoperability with the Syndication su…
What new or enhanced feature are you proposing?
To support RSS Version 2.0 or Atom 1.0 feeds.
What goal would this enhancement help you achieve?
Greater interoperability with the Syndication su…
This is an extension to John Chilton's https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/issues/6202 so we can flesh out how the archive upload/extract feature will behave.
## August 2023 update
After dis…
I learn best when work is interspersed with related, multimodal distractions! What are some interesting videos, songs, games, etc. that you know of that compliment the course themes? Here are a few of…
ykciV updated
10 years ago