Filing this mostly for visibility.
See https://community.home-assistant.io/t/wallbox-pulsar-plus-integration/200339/1195 and https://github.com/jagheterfredrik/wallbox-mqtt-bridge/discussions/62
This [PR here](https://github.com/jrottenberg/ffmpeg/pull/325) added chromaprint and enabled it for all versions up to 4.4. I'm guessing it's not included in versions past 4.4 because they didn't exis…
Currently `text()` recycles coordinate pairs when there are more labels than points to plot them at. For example:
plot(1:7); text(1:2, 2:4, LETTERS[1:4])
results in
## Desired Behavior
As a user of an EVM wallet, I should be able to:
- [ ] Make an EVM call that calls "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend" using
a given `to_address`, `denom`, and `amount`. The `to_addr…
## What problem does this feature solve?
Currently the latest Ng-Zorro library is synced with Ant-Design somewhere between 4.1 and 4.4
Are there any plans to sync the style with any 5.x Version ? …
Next.js 14.2.x applications don't report spans to the agent.
When configured following the docs, the agent starts, and host metrics work. However, Next.js spans aren't reported, and the AppSignal O…
ESPtool v3 only receives patches critical bugs and we should move to v4.
(Un)fortunately, the internal structure we had to rely upon until now was completely refactored. ESPtool now offers a publi…
### Go version
go version go1.22.8 windows/amd64
### Output of `go env` in your module/workspace:
set GO111MODULE=on
set GOARCH=amd64
set GOBIN=
set GOCACHE=C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\…
One key insight I’ve gained is the importance of cross-industry collaboration to build healthier, more sustainable, and more user-friendly technological solutions…