I have searched a lot and still could not find the necessary documentation to compile the vx_delegate for the A311D on linux.
To verify, these are the commands I used to build the delegate.
I want to use TIM-VX on the [Banana Pi BPI-CM4](https://wiki.banana-pi.org/Banana_Pi_BPI-CM4), which is based on the Amlogic A311D.
TIM-VX is needed to use [NPU-accelerated OpenCV](https:/…
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为了在我的平台上跑ncnn的网络模型,首先我想在编译andorid armv7 版本的benchncnn 二进制可执行程序。
我得到了 build-android-armv7文件夹下的CMakeCache.txt,通过build.sh脚本生成,但是不知道怎么生成ncnn的可执行程序benchncnn
I want to convert the yolov5s v6 model to the uint8 tmfile model on the vim3 a311d NPU. I follow many
web link such as https://blog.csdn.net/Zxialuoke/article/details/122132061 , …
Hi, I have a problem while building tflite-vx-delegate for Android 13.
I entered the below code,
`cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$NDK_PATH/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_PLATFORM=…
Just thought about deploying photoprism to arm64 sbc and found out that it's common to include NPU within SBC SOC(ex. Amlogic A311D).
Since photoprism uses TensorFlow which is commonly acce…
According to my understanding, I should be bale to build this repo to produce a `libvx_delegate.so` binary file, which can be called using TFLite to run model inference on the NPU. However when trying…
Banana Pi has released a wonderful BPI-CM4 hardware module compatible with the Raspberry Pi cm4...
Could you verify if your image works on this device? If not. Would you please consider supporting …
When I tries to use the bidirectional LSTM operator, I found some bugs and fixed parts of them. So, I've created https://github.com/gdh1995/TIM-VX/commit/9ae1832eb37e0a01b544b69f916d6244805d5641 to sh…