Hello, could you please clarify if the 'Weight' part of the Weight Adaptive Instance Normalization is reflected in the class AdaptiveInstanceNormalization found in LowResourceVC-master/stgan_adain/m…
can you please provide the code to create the augmented data?
augment_trainset = os.listdir(r"D:/WLY/Documents/NUAA/TPAMI2/code/AdaIN/output/augment_{}".format(source))
FileNotFoundError: [Errno …
Adaptive instance normalization should remove some of the generator artifacts (like random color stains)
Thanks for your beautiful work.
I have a question after reading the paper.
The AdaIN is used here and its' affine parameters are fixed (computed from input y ) when it was proposed in Huang's paper.…
I tried to use stable diffusion2-1,
scheduler = DDIMScheduler(beta_start=0.00085, beta_end=0.012, beta_schedule="scaled_linear", clip_sample=False,
I developed an iOS App based on AdaIN. It is free. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/artx-style-transfer-between-any-two-images/id1246635833?ls=1&mt=8 More info at http://www.artxstyles.com
I'm tweaking the code to do somewhat of a trivial example: Essentially running any image (in this case a scene, and not a texture), through the AdaIN, and having the style and content be the same imag…
Hi, I built an App that can transfer style between any two images. It uses fast-neural-style and AdaIN style transfer (https://github.com/xunhuang1995/AdaIN-style) and some of my own modification. The…