databinding设置了adapter, 比如这种用法:
package com.yilahuo.driftbottle.databinding;
import com.yilahuo.driftbottle.R;
import com.yilahuo.driftbottle.BR;
Because MVVM & RxJava Databinding integration are two streams, which can be used separately, it is possible to split these into two separate libraries.
1. android-mvvm
- The generic Adapters & bi…
With the databinding library of android the boilerplate code could be reduced alot.
- [x] Add databinding to activities
- [ ] Add databinding to adapters
- [ ] Add databinding to fragments
# Description
데이터 바인딩 실습
## Progress
- [x] DataBinding init
- [x] Binding Adapter
- [x] DataBinding Button Click Event
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I'm having trouble with using it with data binding. Could you please help?
This is the error -
Caused by: android.databinding.tool.util.LoggedErrorException: Found data binding error(s):
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.chad.library.adapter.base.viewholder.BaseViewHolder cannot be cast to com.chad.library.adapter.base.viewholder.BaseDataBindingHolder
-keep public class * extends com.chad.library.adapter.base.viewholder.BaseViewHolder
-keepclassmembers class **$** extends com.chad.library.adapter.base.viewholder.Bas…
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### Description of the problem:
When building an Android project with data-binding enabled, metadata about binding adapters don't seem to be shared across ``android_library`` boundaries in some cir…