请问在aishell3-test上的CER的计算设置是什么呢? 我用CosyVoice-300M的inference_cross_lingual 推理计算了aishell3-test的CER,但是算的结果是8.1%,和论文的3.8%还有一定距离?是不是我的设置有问题?
## error log | 日志或报错信息 | ログ
after training 200k steps, train loss and valid loss increased rapidly. anyone encounte…
1.i use [7b_tiva_v0](https://huggingface.co/ChocoWu/nextgpt_7b_tiva_v0)
2.chage NExT-GPT-Lagacy/code/config/stage_3.yaml:
freeze_lm: true
freeze_input_proj: true
freeze_output_proj: true
(CDFSE) root@autodl-container-66ee44be9a-c385597c:~/CDFSE_FastSpeech2-main# python3 preprocess.py config/AISHELL3/preprocess.yaml
Processing Data ...
0%| …
I plan to fine-tune my own dataset based on the AISHELL3 model, but my dataset only has 6 speakers, while AISHELL3 has 218. When loading the model, an error occurred due to the size mismatch. Addition…
Hi, thanks for your great work. I train styletts2 on aishell3, after 50 epochs of stage2, I try to test the model, but got a weird pronunciation.
warnings.warn("torch.nn.utils.weight_norm is deprecated in favor of torch.nn.utils.parametrizations.weight_norm.")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/media/nvm…
# 说明
PaddleSpeech 是基于飞桨 PaddlePaddle 的语音方向的开源套件,囊括语音识别、语音合成、语音唤醒、声纹识别等多种语音常用功能的支持。由于近期 Paddle 新版本的升级存在不兼容部分(如 paddle.fluid API 全面退场,PIR + predictor 升级, 0-d tensor,view 行为修改等),需要重新对 PaddleSpeech 中的模型进…