PS Z:\AlphaPose-master> python scripts/demo_inference.py --cfg configs/halpe_coco_wholebody_136/resnet/256x192_res50_lr1e-3_2x-dcn-combined.yaml --checkpoint pretrained_models/multi_domain_fast50_dcn_…
I am following the install.md docs and getting the following error during my build:
My OS is Ubuntu 22.04.
Error compiling Cython file:
I'm trying to use Alphapose to reproduce the result in 'im2smpl'
However, it seems 'im2smpl' is using and 'old' version of Alphapose.
'imp2spml' which includes the Alphapose/human-detection di…
Why was Alphapose chosen? What about Mediapipe holistic or OpenPose?
I have run Alphapose successfully, and I can also get the 2D information of keypoints directly. MotionBERT seems to deal with json. What if I let Alphapose send the information to MotionBERT directly?…
In line 66 of the base_adaptor.py file:
**# set criterion
there is an extra n, which will cause problems in internet video processing.
请问,用alphapose的谷歌数据集 怎么训练st-gcn 避开st-gcn代码中的openpose
# Alphapose 논문 리뷰와 사용 | JWHer Tech Blog
Alphapose 논문 리뷰와 사용
Sorry to mention, this model "resnet101" has gone.
The other 4 are perfectly fine. I don't know why.
First of all I would like to thank you for this library, was looking for a project that provided this type of functionaly with having to deal with atlas and this is a godsend.
I was trying t…