Dear Vitis AI Team,
I am writing to express my appreciation for the comprehensive suite of tools and resources that Vitis AI provides. The integration of optimized IP, tools, libraries, and models …
Hi all,
For dual-port FPGA boards, is it possible to support bump-in-wire based on the project?
update the ml-suite and give a ami
We have around 25 users logged in with mix at standard resolution and output resolution at 1280x720 at 1024 Kbps Intel MCU 4.2.1 Ubuntu 18.04 GPU Accelerated.
When intel_gpu_top i can see render bu…
# Prerequisites
Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue.
- [ ] I am running the latest code. Development is very rapid so there are no tagged versions as of…
``` r
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
Sys.setenv(PGDATABASE = "crsp", PGHOST = "")
Sys.setenv(PGUSER = "yanzih1", PGPASSWORD = "temp_20190711")
pg %