Set a consistent theme and figure where to properly apply it (Zoe would like to switch to green theming rather than the Material default purple)
Since Google released themed icons on Android 12, more and more apps have started supporting it.
Having Rainbow on your home screen with all those monochrome icons may look inconsistent.
My sugg…
Google introduced a new icon technique starting with Android 13 and higher called [Themed Icons](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/13/features#themed-app-icons).
It would be nice if we cou…
### Current behaviour
On Android, when switching the provided theme between dark and light modes, the button's background color does not update.
### Expected behaviour
The button's background col…
### Description
something changed with Splashscreens and dark/light theming. I don't know when but i'm sure i had this working in my app. I use the Xamarin.AndroidX.Core.SplashScreen nug…
### Steps to reproduce
1. Create a TabBar widget.
2. Set indicatorColor to Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary.
3. Observe that the indicator is not visible.
4. Change indicatorColor to Theme.…
In my Android app, after calling `presentPaymentSheet()` and successfully completing a payment, an opaque but very light white overlay remains on the screen. The overlay is subtle b…
`shapeAppearanceSmallComponent`, `shapeAppearanceMediumComponent`, and `shapeAppearanceLargeComponent` have no effect because they are not used in `Widget.Material3.*` (they are used…
### Steps to reproduce
One cannot define a Theme for a Radio button widget which changes the `fillColor` :
The color of the ripple effect seems to remain at the light value when change the system theme to dark, which causes the ripple effect nearly undiscoverable.