react-native-video-cache needs the following package to work on android:
Android: https://github.com/danikula/AndroidVideoCache
As it is not available, this package is also not working.
On npx …
请问与 https://github.com/danikula/AndroidVideoCache 这个项目,有实质性区别没有,如果代码是fork的,请注明。
I found that AndroidVideoCache can cache the m3u8,because i found the cahe file in the disk,but,the player can not play the video,I do not know why? it is a AndroidVideoCache bug or the player's bug?
AndroidVideoCache缓存生成的地址, 在其他播放器可以播放…
androidvideocache 中对于range请求,只会读取 start 不会读取end,所以,一旦启动预加载,就会吧所有文件全部下载下来,其内部用正则匹配: Pattern.compile("[R,r]ange:[ ]?bytes=(\\d*)-");
This is serious!无奈~
Since jCenter has been left in a read-only repository, I would like to be able to continue using this great library.
And I wanted to know if it could be uploaded to the maven central repository.
I'm trying to use this library along with this one:
This is so that the video does not get downloaded multiple times and ensure faster user experience…