使用黑名单去广告规则会导致applestore无法连接,建议将苹果域名及其 CDN 代理改为直连。访问苹果applestore无需使用代理,内容只跟账号地区有关,直连即可。我自己修改苹果域名及其 CDN 代理部分为直连后是可以正常访问applestore的,望采纳。
Im looking for a good stuff to play on my smartphone, but i do not find AIWar on AppleStore. Maybe it is on Android Store ?
# pwnable.tw - applestore - srikavin.me
Writeup of pwnable.tw's 'applestore' challenge. We abuse a stack-based buffer overflow to gain remote code execution by overlaying the stack frame on top of th…
Is it safe to sign in (Docker-OSX container) with my work Apple ID, which is used for the developer account, and I will upload applications to the AppleStore with it?
Am I at risk of getting …
I have read about AppleStore reject apps with a payment system that's not Apple Pay, is there a fix for this for PayStack?
## 背景・目的
- [ ] 要件の確認
- [ ] 権限付与の対応
- [ ] 完了報告
Need to provide a .dmg for mac.
must have
1. cute installer
2. automated install
3. sensible defaults to be used on a single machine
4. easy expandability to add more hosts.
possibly push this …
参考资料:[Mobx 思想的实现原理,及与 Redux 对比](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/25585910)
>Mobx 最关键的函数在于 autoRun,我们发现这个函数非常智能,用到了什么属性,就会和这个属性挂上钩,从此一旦这个属性发生了改变,就会触发回调,通知你可以拿到新值了。没有用到的属性,无论你怎么修改,它都不会触发回调,这就是神奇的地方
1. [ ] AppleStoreにリリース
1. [x] 開発用AppleID作成
(参考記事:「iOS アプリの開発に必要な Apple ID の作り方」→https://www.rk-k.com/archives/3870)
2. [x] Apple Developperに登録
(参考記事:「Android 、iO…
Visiting GooglePlay or AppleStore shows version 0.3.6
While the version in l…