Right now, some in memory operations work with a Raster that wraps a CategoricalArray.
Here's an mwe:
using Rasters, CategoricalArrays
grain_order = ["clay", "silt", "sand"]
e.g `Rasters.reproject` v/s `GeometryOps.reproject`, or similar overlaps.
Similarly for ArchGDAL and LibGEOS, etc.
What should we do about these? One option is to define a `JuliaGeo.reproject`…
Should a 0-element Vector simply be skipped when Rasterizing or is there good reason to return an error?
ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 0-element Vector{ArchGDAL.IGeometry{ArchGDAL.wkbMul…
# load data
using GeoDataFrames
using Shapefile
path2shp = splitpath(pathof(Shapefile))
path2shp = joinpath(vcat(path2shp[1:end-2], ["test", "shapelib_testcases", "test.shp"]))
gdf = Geo…
Rasters.jl promises fast handling of GeoTiff imagery (much faster than RasterIO in python) https://github.com/rafaqz/Rasters.jl
Proj.jl is the Julia version of PyProj: a wrapper to the PROJ C libr…
From https://discourse.julialang.org/t/screening-interest-in-a-unified-vector-raster-package-akin-to-r-terra/121613, it might make sense to make GeoDataFrames a single point of entry for vector datase…
I have run into an issue where `polygon_to_line` produces an error if a polygon has holes and has been created with GeoInterface methods. If the polygon originates from ArchGDAL creation then `polygon…
This is most likely an ArchGDAL limitation but I wanted to also report it here, because it comes from somewhere in the Raster code base using PermuteDims.
julia> using Rasters, CairoMa…
using Rasters, RasterDataSources, ArchGDAL
precip = Raster(WorldClim{Climate}, :prec; month = 6)
areas = cellarea(precip)
precip ./ areas
When exporting an image with an undefined coordinate reference system using `GeoArrays.write("output.png", ga)` an unnecessary `output.png.aux.xml` file is created that contains the following: