非常感谢您开发了这么优秀的包!gseanb 生成的图非常好看。但我在将这些图导入到一些 AI 工具(例如 Adobe Illustrator)时遇到了问题。如果图中点数非常多(比如很多细胞的 UMAP 图),矢量格式的文件会因为保留了所有的点和路径的细节而导致运行非常卡顿。
请问是否可以增加一个选项,在保存前将线条的点栅格化?这样可以显著减少文件体积,提高与 AI 工具的兼容性…
flash attention benchmark fails with [changes](https://github.com/intel/intel-xpu-backend-for-triton/pull/1905) to use upstream pytorch.
It should be a torch issue.
Traceback (most recent c…
1. Hey sir, Thanks for your great work and contributions. I have run the script for highway_env with DQN with ego_attention. But I cannot figure out how to display the attention lines (like you in you…
As per #72, #82 and #81, there are a number of new powder diffraction plot features now in the on-screen publication plots:
- full-length tick marks
- HKL labels
- phase partials
- specify x …
### Problem Description
I've realized that SHAP doesn't have an implementation for Saliency Maps. Even though image_plots lets us compute the Shapley values for an image, it doesn't provide an attent…
Location Sensitive Attention(step 8500)
**Need to ask Martin for more details (so maybe work on this later), but here are some things it might involve:**
- [ ] input box where user can type in a sentence
- this may not be necessary...
I tried to visualize the attention maps for the T5 model but have encountered issues while getting the plots.
I would like to emphasize few points:
- I have used `model.generate` because I don't …
This applies to both the UV-CDAT GUI and PNG output.
Axes have no labels. Lines in multi-line plots should have different colors, and they should be explained by a legend. Titles are much better th…