The outputs to Azure CLI "az network list-service-tags" don't have regional-specific IP prefixes.
Let me use AzureMachineLearning as an example.
The outputs contain all IP prefixes for AzureMachineL…
Opening the listed NSG rules for service tags (AzureMachineLearning, AzureFrontDoor, AzureActiveDirectory) does not allow traffic to [aadcdn.msftauth.net](https://aadcdn.msftauth.net/), which is requi…
> Please provide us with the following information:
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Hi team
For azuremachinelearning, doc mentions it doesn't sup…
Opening on behalf of a customer.
The customer was following the guidance found on this page wrt
> If you attach an AKS cluster, which has an Authorized IP range enabled to access the API server…
These errors are showing up on the continuous integration tests:
ImportError: cannot import name 'generated_jit' from 'numba' (/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.13/x64/lib/python3.10/site-pack…
When using publicly exposed compute instance with Azure Machine learning the following route table entries are required:
az network route-table route create -g MyResourceGroup --route-table-name…
## Expected Behavior (Mandatory)
HTTP response: 200
## Actual Behavior (Mandatory)
HTTP response: 400
## How to Reproduce the Problem
### Simple Dataset (where it's possibile)
[Enter feedback here]
The table on the following site does not list the permission for port `8787`, `18881` for the service tag `AzureMachineLearning`.
But it is actually required. Please add it.…
AzureMachineLearning is described as not having region support
However, the JSON f…