### Describe the issue:
not an issue, but if I have recording of duration of 5min, can we use batch size of 5min instead of 2sec? What is your expectation?
### Reproduce the bug:
_No response_
Hey, I found your work very interesting. I have a question regarding the batch size. Why did you choose a batch size of 1? How did the results compare when the batch size was greater than 1?
is there any way to disable in-batch negatives during training in Sentence Transformers?
[Vries et al. 2017](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2017/file/6fab6e3aa34248ec1e34a4aeedecddc8-Paper.pdf) condition a network by hypernetizing BatchNorm layers only.
Presently, spe…
Hello, while reproducing the code, I noticed in section 4.2 "Implementation Details" of your paper, under the training section, it mentions: “All experiments are trained for 24 epochs on 8 NVIDIA RTX …
i wish use batch prompt scheduler to produce same element for different image,such as a car,then inpaint different images' car . i can use a controlnet between batch prompt scheduler and the guilder,
Somehow make it possible to track multiple batches and still be able to know which batch is in where (fermenter).
Make qr accept and process batches of matrices as PyTorch's QR does. Functionality should be similar to solve_triangular's or matmul's batch-capabilities.
we need a BATCH mode to check all the files in a folder