Failed to obtain uDec Connection, nested exception is org.stone.beecp,pool.exception.Connectiol
CreateException. wait timeout on pool lock acquistion
Dear All,
I am a Java new, I made a simple JDBC Pool(BeeCP:http://www.github.com/Chris2018998/BeeCP),
and tested its performance with HikariCP‘ benchmark,but its score is higher than 'HikariCP'…
我把您发的mybatis demo运行成功了,但是使用Mybatis-plus没运行成功。
I find a new CP,which show faster in its performance report,
it is true? please help to validate it. URL is :
希望提供下 myibatisplus 多数据源 怎么 改对应得配置 换成beecp得参数呢 能否提供一个demo呢
推荐将 `BeeCpDataSourceAutoConfiguration` 上的 `@Configuration` 改为 `@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)` 减少 spring 容器中 bean 的数量
参考:[Shoulder-Platform 的 beecp 自动装配优化](https://github.com/ChinaLym/Sho…
微服务下 访问BeeCPMonitor.html 无法显示完整 (样式 js 无法加载)
目前我微服展示 会如图
If we are developing 10 microservices and each uses 4 Docker Containers How do you configure HiKariCP to share connections pools. Based on your article about Total number of pools our system should ru…